Fits and Starts…

No quotes this time. Sorry. I haven’t been posting in the past few weeks. Not because I’ve lost interest, but rather that I’ve been focusing on a new project. I am writing a novel. I am already over a quarter of the way complete in my march to the rough draft. Yay! I have all of the elements in place for all three acts, and am into act II now.

This novel is a crime drama, not a mystery, but rather a story of a guy who has a job to do… in Las Vegas. And he hates Las Vegas. But he is not someone who shirks responsibilities. This novel is set in Las Vegas of the 1980s, so queue up your elevator music and ’80s favorites.

If anyone would like to take part in a beta reading of this novel, after I’ve gotten it to through professional proofreading, and feel it’s publishable, let me know in the comments and we can work it out. Hmmm, the end of that last sentence sounded like some typical elevator music in Sin City. There would be a free signed copy of the hardback release when published if you do take part.

Concerning blog posts, I have several draft posts roughed out, and do intend to continue blogging. It’s part of my renewed dedication to writing, but that October first deadline is staring me in the face. Sigh. I do want to be a writer, and so I will have to get used to that sort of thing now won’t I?

Peace and Love

One response to “Fits and Starts…”

  1. Count me in!!

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