Worlds Apart

My name is Michelle. I believe in the sanctity of life. It’s a baby not a choice. These are God’s words, and these are my words. This is my world, if these words aren’t yours, you are not welcome.

My name is Terrence. I speak for the earth, because most cannot hear her voice. I feel her hurts as they were my own. This is my world, if you do not feel these hurts, you are not welcome.

My name is Michael. Big business and conservative politicians have stolen the dignity, vibrancy, and health of this nation. The common people are oppressed, and are crying out for true freedom. I hear these cries, and feel their pain. This is my world, if you do not hear their cries, you are not welcome.

My name is Theresa. I believe in love and compassion. There are no natural restrictions on love, only man-made societal restrictions. All expressions of love should be freely allowed and accepted. I sense the tears of those who are bound by society’s chains. This is my world, if you do not sense these tears, you are not welcome.

My name is Jehovah, Buddha, Elohim, Christ, Allah, and many others. My heart is open to one and all. There are no limitations to my compassion. I accept all. This is my creation, you are all welcome.

My name is entropy, the arrow of time. There is nothing but me. All that occurs, both natural and temporal is subject to me. This is my universe, and there is no escape.

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